„New frontiers in regeneration therapies: from Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) through imaging to clinical outcomes”

14-15 September 2018, Krakow

Dear Madam/Sir,

„New frontiers in regeneration therapies:
from Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP),
through imaging to clinical outcomes”.


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the an International Scientific Conference on the topic of the use
of cellular therapies in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

 The conference is addressed to scientific and business communities thatare interested in the use of the latest technological developments inregenerative medicine. It aims to integrate these communities as well as to create
a discussion forum and popularize science by presenting research, scientific achievements and knowledge
in the areas of regenerative medicine, cardiology and imaging.

 Participation has been already confirmed by leaders of the field from theUSA, Canada, Spain, UK, Germany, Belgium and Norway.

 The conference will include scientific reports presented as oral abstracts and posters.

 We hope that an attractive program and the atmosphere of city of Krakow with its extraordinary history and
a rich scientific tradition will foster a creative exchange of knowledge and experience in research.

 We cordially invite you to submit an abstract.

Come and join us in Krakow in September 2018!
